Wednesday 14 May 2008

Get Creative with Artists in School 艺术家驻校与你玩创作

“Get Creative With Artists in School”
An art workshop with local and international artists

Date:24th May – 6th June


Co-presenters + Venue of Workshops:

Tadika Kajang,Apple King Kindergarten,Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Yu Hwa, Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan Yu Hwa, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Convent, Sekolah Menengah Jalan Bukit

Wokshops Time:

(Primary School)10:00~14:00
(Secondary School)10:00~16:00

Artistic Director and Artists in School

策划人 + 艺术总监:黄爱明博士

日本大学艺术学研究所博士。现任新纪元学院戏剧与影像系以及国立艺术学院 (ASWARA) 戏剧系大学部兼任讲师。她曾多次参与国际性活动,如2007年在香港举行的 IDEA表演艺术节、墨西哥街头戏剧节、在多伦多举行的第八届压迫者的剧场艺术节等,也在策划社区剧场方面有非常丰富的经验。她的创作一直秉持着“多元文化并存以及跨界发展”的信念。

Curator + Artistic Director: Dr. Wong Oi Min
She holds a PhD in Arts from the Nihon University, Graduate School of Arts. Dr. Wong is also an actor, director and educator. She is currently lecturing in New Era College, Drama & Visuals Department and the National Arts Culture and Heritage Academy (ASWARA). She has been actively involved in international events, including The Mexico Street Theatre Festival, The 8th International Theatre of the Oppressed Festival, The 6th World Congress of International Drama/Theatre and Education Association and IDEA Performance Festival. She upholds her beliefs in “multicultural coexistence and boundary-crossing” in her work.

部分参与艺术家Selected Artists in School Profile:

度边真知子 + 植松淳 (日本)


Machiko WATANABE (Japan)
After finishing the child nursing major in junior collage, Machiko
WATANABE joined Puppet Theatre PUK as an actress, director and producer. She has directed the PUK shows such as "AYA TO JOROKICHI-OOKAMI (Aya and Jorokichi the Wolf)" and "NIGEDASHITA JUPITAA (Jupiter Ran Away)".
In the PUK Puppetry Academy Projects, in the Puppetry Summer Classes, and in many other occasions, she facilitates joyful workshops of puppet making and acting with handy material such as newspaper and other daily objects. She participated in the New Era Collage Workshop in Malaysia 2007.

Jun UEMATSU (Japan)
After graduating from the commercial design course in vocational school,Jun UEMATSU joined Studio Nova the film division of Puppet Theatre PUK. He has designed for a number of puppet programs on TV and puppet shows on stage. He also worked for some miniature models. After additional experience in direction and composition for children's programs, he directed and designed "TENSHU MONOGATARI (Story of Donjon)" that was programmed in the UNIMA Congress Croatia International Puppetry Festival. Among his works in PUK are set design for "HAIJI (Heidi)", "TENSHU MONOGATARI (Story of Donjon)" as described above, and puppet design for "PINOKKIO (Pinocchio)". Since 1999, he also has his private projects of filmmaking and event production.

现任身声演绎剧场艺术总监、导演、表演者身声演绎剧场创始团员之一。吴忠良自马来西亚艺术学院戏剧系在学期间即扩展自己表演语汇的多元与自由性。由于对原始仪式及艺术所透露出超越文化语言、可连结人类共通经验的语汇一直有特别强烈的情感,1998年与几位剧场工作者成立身声演绎 剧场后,在创作上即全力关注探索身体声音最本然的力量与美感,从融合声音(器乐、人声等)、肢体、戏剧、仪式、环境等元素的训练中研究与呈现纯粹而且有机的表演能量;传达没有种族文化界限,更开放自由的身体与声音表演方式。

Ng Chong Leong (Malaysia / Taiwan) is the Artistic Director, founder, director and performer of Sun Son Theatre (Taiwan). After graduated from the Malaysian Institute of Arts, he had started to show his interest in exploring theatre languages. He then went to Taiwan and founded Sun Son Theatre, one of the leading contemporary theatre companies in Taiwan. Their works have close relationship to ritual and percussions. Sun Son Theatre also involves in a lot of community works recent years.

目前任教于马拉工艺大学艺术与设计系。她是“Tiga” (Tindakan Gerak Asuh)的创始团员之一,该组织在本地艺坛非常的活跃,也经常和政府与非政府组织合办工作坊。2004,她也曾是KOMUNITI JALAN KEMPAS的创始成员,在莎亚南主办过名为ART PORT的艺术计划。这项计划结合了三个艺术团体的力量,在当时获得热烈的回响。如今,她在莎亚南一座自己经营的图书馆RUMAH ANAI-ANAI主持多项活动。她的作品包括绘画与装置艺术。她的大部分作品都在展现自我,谈论快乐与痛苦,也同时涉及社会、政治、文化、情绪、梦、希望以及自我批判等层面。

AISYAH BAHARUDDIN (Malaysia) hold a degree for Bachelors of Fine Art in Painting (First Class Honour).and is currently the Faculty of Art and Design, Universiti Teknologi MARA. She is one of the co- founders of TIGA, (Tindakan Gerak Asuh). TIGA consist of three core members whom are full time artists, actively participating in local and international art exhibitions as well facilitating art workshops for government and non-government organizations. Before this she was also one of the co-founders for KOMUNITI JALAN KEMPAS since 2004, they organized an art event and well received art program called ART PORT in Shah Alam. This event is under the collaboration of three art communites in Shah Alam. Now, She held various projects such as RUMAH ANAI-ANAI with Arjuna, a self funded library situated in Shah Alam. This place displays her personal collection of books, paintings, catalogues for public especially for students.As an artist, she starts actively involved in art scene during my school days. Her serious work start from installation work called ‘Tablo’, the title is ‘In The name of father’ in the year of 2000 at Galeri Shah Alam For the Open Show Exhibition. From the installation work, she tried to explore mixed media painting, wall painting and art performance. Most of her art works are individualistic expressions of self, talking about joy and pain, engages with social, political, cultural, emotional, dream, hope, and self-criticism.

郑涵慧 (马来西亚)是飞舞坊的总监,也是一名舞者与舞蹈老师。自小习舞得她曾经参与多场舞蹈演出,其中包括由黄结游编舞的 “Solo in Blessing”、“千手千眼”等。涵慧也曾经自2001年起担任多个沙巴的社团和中学的舞蹈老师与编舞。2006年,她再次回到吉隆坡,并于2007年和博特拉大学合作,为“Immerse In the Colour of Love展览与演出”导演一部作品。

CHAN HAN FEI (Malaysia) is the Director of Fei Dance Studio / Dance Narrator / Dancer / Dance Instructor. Inspired and instructed by Mr. Wong Kit Yaw. She gained the experience of dance performance since primary school. Among the performance she’d involved in include “Solo in Blessing” choreographed by Mr. Wong Kit Yaw, Leading Malaysian dancer for "Thousand Arms and Thousand Eyes" .In 2001, she was enrolled by Lembaga Kebudayaan Sabah (dance) as a professional dancer, choreographer / instructor for Chinese dance. She was then invited by Kadazan Dusun Cultural Associations as choreographer and instructor, and had also arrange several dances and performance for Harvest Festival Celebratio, "The Legend of Huminodun". She was also the Choreographer / Instructor of Kota Kinabalu High School - "Long Xin" dance troupe; Shan Tao Primary School; Sutera Habour Resort Cultural Dance Performing Group. In 2006, she returned to Kuala Lumpur and is now the Director of Fei Dance Studio. In 2007, She had directed performance entitled "Divine" with University Putra Malaysia for “Immerse In the Colour of Love" Exhibition and Stage Performance.

吴守权 (马来西亚),代表着马国新兴的一代,他是马国众多陶艺家中的佼佼者。他曾在2002年代表马来西亚国家画廊,在东合联盟文化青年工作营中,在缅甸这个国家展示他的陶艺装置艺术(Installation Art)。其作品造型特出及反应马国本土化,他荣夺<东合联盟最佳文化艺术青年奖>。吴守权的陶艺根基扎实,造型新颖,尤其在表现马来本土,民族风俗加以重新组合,他非常擅长把陶艺再延伸为装置艺术,往往有意想不到的视觉效果。他的作品从传统中求变,充分展现年青人的伸张力。除了在陶艺领域有非凡的表现之外,吴守权被马来西亚国家艺术馆委任为发展儿童与青少年生活艺术营的长驻导师,专门在儿童与青少年艺术活动方面给予指导与发展,培训马国艺术的下一代。吴守权的陶艺是在马国中央艺术学院专修,得到非常专科的训练,他在其他纯美术的造诣,如水墨现代画,素描,油画等,皆有不俗的表现。他曾经参加国内外多项个人或团体的展览,皆得到好评。目前,吴守权在马国太子基金会(RAJA MUDA FOUNDATION)属下,从事研修艺术,以其更进一步代表国家发展艺术。

GOH CHIU KUAN (Malaysia) was born in 1981 Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia. This self taught artist is passionate in moulding the art of pottery. His work richly illustrates the cultures and natural beauty. As a young artist he has had the opportunity and experience in participating and organizing the infamous Sonneratia Camps organized by the National Art Gallery of Kuala Lumpur. Through his creativeness and dedication he was awarded ‘Best Participant’ by camp committee and later joint a Malaysian Pre-camp program for ASEAN Youth Camp. Highlight of his engagement is to be selected to present Malaysia for the 4th ASEAN Youth Camp in Myanmar in 2002,where he was presented the “Best Youth” award. Goh is currently a pioneer in the mentor program for budding artists, under the Prestigious Raja Muda Foundation. This Foundation supports this advantaged youngster’s find a place in the society.